My Journey with Ayahuasca

Healing the Emotional Body


It has been some time since I last shared openly with you all, and I extend my apologies for the silence. Over the past years, I have been immersed in a profound journey of self-discovery, embracing the role of a single mother to my two remarkable children following a tumultuous separation in January 2023. With no family in the USA and carrying the weight of being the sole survivor after losing my parents in Brazil, I have been discerning in the energy I engage with. As I continue along my path of healing, I have come to realize that the internal work I am undertaking is a far greater challenge than the physical demands of my previous profession as a bodybuilder for 15 years.

In my quest for healing and emotional restoration, I turned to Ayahuasca. Last year, I embarked on four Ayahuasca ceremonies to address the emotional wounds that needed healing.

Ayahuasca, a sacred medicine, is known for its ability to heal the emotional body and provide individuals with a profound experience of life. Here are some insights into how Ayahuasca works on the emotional body based on my personal experiences:


1. Removing Emotional Baggage:
Many individuals seek Ayahuasca to release painful emotions tied to past experiences. Ayahuasca helps identify the root causes of emotional struggles, offering a holistic approach to healing rather than just addressing symptoms.

2. Spiritual Connection:
Ayahuasca, known as “Mother Ayahuasca,” is a conscious entity that exists in higher dimensions. It can lead individuals to deep introspection and spiritual growth.

3. Challenges and Preparations:
While Ayahuasca can be transformative, the experience can be intense, challenging, and even overwhelming. Mental preparedness, safe surroundings, and reputable shamans are crucial for a positive experience.

4. Personal Journey:
Each individual’s experience with Ayahuasca is unique. It is essential to approach the medicine with an open mind and the intention to address inner demons and traumas.

5. Self-Work:
Ayahuasca serves as a tool for self-discovery and healing, but the individual must actively engage in the process of growth and transformation.


In conclusion, Ayahuasca is not a quick fix or a one-size-fits-all solution. It requires respect, preparation, and a willingness to delve into the depths of one’s psyche. While the journey may be challenging, the potential for profound healing and personal growth is immense.



Approach Ayahuasca with utmost caution, reverence, and a profound willingness to confront the depths of your innermost fears and desires. While the experience may not always align with your initial expectations, with the right mindset and guidance, it has the potential to unveil transformative insights and facilitate profound healing. Reflecting on my own journey with Ayahuasca through four ceremonies, I acknowledge that only one of them provided a truly enlightening experience that deepened my self-understanding. Personally, I have realized that I may have engaged in too many ceremonies last year, and I am considering a more balanced approach for this year. The wealth of information received from the medicine requires ample time for processing and integration. I remain deeply grateful for the profound experiences and insights gained from my encounters with Ayahuasca, and I hold immense appreciation for the impact it has had on my soul’s journey.

May your journey with Ayahuasca be one of self-discovery, healing, and profound spiritual awakening, but remember this medicine is not for everyone.

I recommend the Sunsoul222 ceremonial in Utah; it can be dangerous to do ayahuasca anywhere else.

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